Welcome to my blog! This blog is to describe different tools and how they work. I hope you find something interesting and helpful. I learned about these tools in my wonderful Computer Essentials class.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Fire fox Add Ons. Some of the best tools you can put on fire fox.
The Add Ons I find most useful are:
Amazon Browser Bar: This add on helps you easily find out what great deals or price comparison about the books you might be interested in.
Calculator: This add on allows anyone to have a calculator handy and at the ready.
Delicious Bookmarks: This add on allows you to keep track of your bookmarks.
Diccinario de espanol/espana: This allows you to access the spanish dictionary and helps you understand the language.
German Dictionary:This gives you a better understanding of the german language.
Fast Fox: This makes your browser run much smoother then it ever did before.
Https Finder: This makes it to where you can see if ssl is availible on a webpage.
Leech Block: This helps keep Leeching people away from your sites.
Reminder Fox: This lets you know what all your schedule is for the week and the month and gives you daily updates.
Tab Backup: This makes it to where if you tab closes you can still access it again.
Hope you enjoy these Add ons :)